Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
794 lines
; Program WHAT.ASM
; Purpose Batch file enhancer
; Input Command line consisting of:
; Command letter (with optional E for extended)
; Optional prompt enclosed in double quotes
; Optional argument
; Output Number in DOS ERRORLEVEL and string in WHAT environment variable
.MODEL small
PAGE 60,120
.STACK 100h
DB 13,10," WHAT - Batch file enhancer",13,10,13,10
DB "Command Purpose Argument Environ Exit Extended",13,10
DB "--------- ------- -------- ------- ---- ------",13,10
DB "C[E] [""prompt""] [chars] Get Allowable Character Character Echo",13,10
DB " character characters",13,10,13,10
DB "S[E] [""prompt""] Get string None String Length Echo",13,10,13,10
DB "D[E] Check DOS None Major (Major*10) Minor",13,10
DB " version +Minor version",13,10,13,10
DB "E[E] Get environ None Bytes Bytes/10 10 bytes",13,10
DB " bytes left bytes in exit",13,10,13,10
DB "F[E] filespec Get file Filespec Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in",13,10
DB " size (255=directory) exit",13,10,13,10
DB "K[E] [driveletter] Get disk Drive Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in",13,10
DB " space exit",13,10,13,10
DB "Press a key to continue . . .$"
DB 13,"M[E] Check None Kilobytes Ks/10Ks 10Ks in",13,10
DB " memory exit",13,10,13,10
DB "P Check for None 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no None",13,10
DB " printer",13,10,13,10
DB "V [number] Get/Set New mode Current or Current or None",13,10
DB " video mode last mode last mode",13,10,13,10
DB "7 Check for None 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no None",13,10
DB " coprocessor",13,10,13,10
DB "A Check for None 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no None",13,10
DB " ANSI driver",13,10,13,10
DB "Y[E] Get current None Directory Level/Drive Drive",13,10
DB " directory",13,10,"$"
guess DB 80 ; Prompt for string
actual DB ?
string DB 80 DUP (0)
extend DB 0 ; Flag for extended command
vid DB 3 ; Video mode
ans DB 27,"[6n$" ; ANSI string to get current position
overwrt DB 8,8,8,8," $"; Overwrite ANSI characters
delete DB 8,8,8,"$" ; Delete ANSI characters
what DB "WHAT=" ; Variable name
lwhat EQU $-what
prompt DW 0 ; Pointer to prompt
lprompt DW 0 ; Length of prompt
arg DW 0 ; Pointer to argument
larg DW 0 ; Length of argument
; Command table
cmds DB "CSVDMEKFP7AY" ; Command character list
lcmds EQU $-cmds ; and length of list
table DW GetChar ; Command procedure table
DW GetStr
DW DoVid
DW GetMem
DW GetEnvSz
DW GetDskSz
DW GetFilSz
DW VeriPrint
DW VeriCop
DW VerAnsi
DW GetDir
DW NoCmd
err1 DB "Invalid command",7,13,10,"$"
err2 DB "Out of environment space",7,13,10,"$"
err3 DB "Must have DOS Version 2.0 or higher",7,13,10,"$"
start: mov ax,@DATA ; Starting execution address
mov ds,ax ; Initialize data segment
@GetVer ; Get DOS version
or al,al ; Is it 0?
jne DOSOK ; No? Continue
@DispStr err3 ; Yes? Quit for 1.x
int 20h
DOSOK: mov si,83h ; Starting point in PSP
mov ax,WORD PTR es:[5Dh] ; Load command characters
cmp al,' ' ; Is it space?
jne isarg ; If no argument, show help
call Help
isarg: cmp ah,'E' ; Extend flag?
jne noextend ; No? Continue
inc extend ; Yes? Turn on flag and adjust pointer
inc si
noextend: call GetArg ; Get argument from command line
push es ; Save and load DS into ES
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx
mov di,OFFSET cmds ; Load pointer to command table
mov cx,lcmds+1 ; Load length
repne scasb ; Find position of command character
pop es
sub di,(OFFSET cmds)+1 ; Point to procedure
shl di,1 ; Adjust for word addresses
call table[di] ; Call the selected procedure
push ax ; Save
push es
call DoEnviron ; Put result in environment string
or ax,ax ; Test for 0 before
pop es ; restore
pop ax
jz done
cmp BYTE PTR es:[5Dh],'E' ; Is it Environment command
je done ; Yes? Skip message
error2: @DispStr err2 ; Error message
done: @Exit ; Quit with AL as return code
; End of program - Start of procedures
; Procedure GetChar
; Purpose Get a character from user
; Input Allowable characters pointed to by "arg" (optional)
; Prompt pointed to by "prompt" (optional)
; Output Character in AX and in "string"
GetChar PROC
call ShowPrmpt ; Display prompt if there is one
readkey: @GetKey 0,1 ; Get a key
cmp al,13 ; Is it carriage return?
jne notcr ; Yes? Continue
mov al,"~" ; Call it tilde
; (use tilde in character list
; if you want to accept CR)
notcr: or al,al ; Is it 0 for extended key?
je exkey ; Special case
mov bl,al ; Save a copy and swap
xchg ah,al
call UpCase ; Uppercase it
xchg ah,al ; Swap back
mov si,arg ; Load pointer and length of argument
mov cx,larg
jcxz gotchar ; If no argument, quit early
; Compare character to argument to see if it's valid
argcheck: mov ah,BYTE PTR es:[si] ; Get character
inc si ; Increment index
call UpCase ; Convert to uppercase
cmp ah,al ; Is it in argument?
je gotchar ; Yes? We're done
loop argcheck ; else check another
@DispCh 7 ; Checked all, so ring bell
jmp SHORT readkey ; and get another character
gotchar: push ax
cmp extend,0 ; Is extend flag set?
jne noecho ; Yes? Don't echo
cmp bl,"~" ; Don't echo ~ (alias for CR)
je noecho
@DispCh bl ; Display valid character
noecho: pop ax
mov string,al ; Put the character in string
inc actual ; Length is one
exkey: @GetKey 0,1 ; Get second key in AL
mov si,arg ; Load pointer to argument
cmp BYTE PTR es:[si],"`" ; Is argument grave accent?
; (use grave in character list if
; you want to accept extended keys)
je gotext ; Yes? Extended character
@DispCh 7 ; No? Illegal, so ring bell
jmp SHORT readkey ; and get another
gotext: mov string[0],'0' ; Extended flag value is "0<char>"
mov string[1],al
mov actual,2 ; Length is 2
GetChar ENDP
; Procedure GetStr
; Purpose Get a string
; Input Prompt pointed to by prompt (optional)
; Output String in "string"; length to AX
call ShowPrmpt ; Display prompt if there is one
cmp extend,1 ; Extend flag true?
je password ; Yes? Then don't echo
@GetStr guess,0 ; Get string (null-terminated)
jmp SHORT gotstr ; Done
password: mov bx,OFFSET string ; Load offset of string buffer
mov cx,80 ; Maximum count
nextkey: @GetKey 0,1 ; Get key, no echo
cmp al,13 ; Is it carriage return
je gotpass ; Yes? Done
mov [bx],al ; No? Put key in buffer
inc bx ; Point to next
loop nextkey
gotpass: sub bx,OFFSET string ; Adjust pointer to get count
mov actual,bl ; Save count
gotstr: @DispCh 13,10
mov ax,bx ; Save string length
; Procedure GetDOS
; Purpose Get DOS version
; Input None
; Output Major or minor version in "string"; (major *10)+minor in AX
@GetVer ; Get DOS version
mov string,al ; Put major in string
mov bh,al ; Save copy
mov al,ah ; Divide minor to get one digit
sub ah,ah ; Clear top
mov cl,10 ; Divide by 10
div cl
xchg al,bh ; Exchange major and minor
mul cl ; Multiply major by 10
add al,bh ; (Major*10)+Minor - 3.2 is now 32
cmp extend,1 ; Extend?
jne gotver ; No? Already got it
mov string,bh ; Save number
gotver: mov actual,1 ; Save length 1
add string,30h ; Convert to ASCII
; Procedure GetEnvSz
; Purpose Get environment bytes available
; Input None
; Output Environment bytes available
push es ; Save ES
call GetEnv ; Get the environment size
pop es ; Restore
sub ax,cx ; Subtract length used from total
; length to get length remaining
call BinToDec ; Convert to string
call Byticize ; Handle values too large for byte
; Procedure GetFilSz
; Purpose Get the size of a specified file
; Input Filespec pointed to by "arg"
; Output File size
cmp arg,0 ; File name argument?
jne isfile
call NoCmd
isfile: mov di,arg ; Point to start and end of arg
mov bx,larg
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx+di],0 ; Make null-terminated
push ds
@OpenFil arg,0,es ; Open file for reading
pop ds
jc ferror ; Error if carry
notdir: @GetFilSz ax
jc ferror ; Error if carry
mov cx,1000 ; Convert to thousands
div cx
inc ax ; Round up
jmp SHORT gotsize
ferror: cmp ax,5 ; Access denied? Probably a directory
jne nofile ; No file or some other error
mov ax,0FFh ; Call directory size 255
jmp SHORT gotsize
nofile: sub ax,ax ; Size of nothing is 0
gotsize: call BinToDec ; Convert to string
call Byticize ; Handle large values
; Procedure GetDskSz
; Purpose Get K remaining on specified disk
; Input Drive letter pointed to by "arg"
; Output Disk space remaining
sub ax,ax ; Assume default drive
cmp arg,0 ; Was there an argument?
je defdrive ; No? Got drive
mov al,BYTE PTR es:6Dh ; Yes? Get drive letter
sub al,'A'-1 ; Convert to binary
defdrive: @ChkDrv al ; Get disk space
cmp ax,0FFFFh ; Is drive valid?
jne valid
call NoCmd
valid: mul bx ; Sectors = sectors/cluster * clusters
mul cx ; Bytes = bytes/sector * sectors
mov cx,1000 ; Convert to thousand
div cx
inc ax ; Round up
call BinToDec ; Convert to string
call Byticize ; Handle large values
; Procedure GetMem
; Purpose Get memory available
; Input None
; Output Available memory
int 12h ; Get memory available in K
mov bx,es ; Get memory used
mov cx,6 ; Convert to K
shr bx,cl
sub ax,bx ; Calculate how much is left
sub dx,dx ; Clear DX
mov cx,1024 ; Multiply to get bytes
mul cx
mov cx,1000 ; Divide to get thousands (not K)
div cx
call BinToDec ; Convert to string
call Byticize ; Handle large values
; Procedure VeriPrint
; Purpose See if LPT1 (PRN) is available
; Input None
; Output 1 for yes or 0 for no
VeriPrint PROC
mov ax,200h ; Check printer status
sub dx,dx ; for main parallel printer (port 0)
int 17h
xchg dx,ax ; Put 0 (for error) in AX
test dh,00101001b ; Are any error bits on?
jne printerr ; Yes? Leave 0
test dh,10010000b ; Are both operation bits on?
jz printerr ; No? Leave 0
inc ax ; Yes? Return 1
printerr: call BinToDec ; Convert to string
VeriPrint ENDP
; Procedure DoVid
; Purpose Get current video mode and optionally set a new mode
; Input New video mode pointed to by "arg" (optional)
; Output Current video mode (before change)
mov ah,0Fh ; Get video mode
int 10h
cmp larg,1 ; How many digits in mode?
jl gotmode ; None? Get out
push ax ; Some? Save mode
mov bx,arg ; Load address of argument string
mov ax,es:WORD PTR [bx] ; Get address of mode string
je one ; One digit - skip the reverse
xchg ah,al ; Reverse for two digits
sub ax,'00' ; Adjust from ASCII to numeric
aad ; Convert to binary
jmp SHORT setmode
one: sub al,'0' ; Convert to numeric
setmode: sub ah,ah ; Set mode
int 10h
pop ax ; Restore
gotmode: cbw ; Extend to AX
call BinToDec ; Convert to string
; Procedure VeriCop
; Purpose Check for coprocessor
; Input None
; Output 1 for yes or 0 for no
VeriCop PROC
int 11h ; Check peripherals
test al,10b ; Coprocessor
mov ax,0 ; Assume no (don't change flags)
jz no87 ; No? Done
inc ax ; Yes? Set to 1
no87: call BinToDec ; Convert to string
VeriCop ENDP
; Procedure VerAnsi
; Purpose Check for ANSI driver
; Input None
; Output 1 for yes or 0 for no
VerAnsi PROC
@DispStr ans ; Print ANSI string to get
; cursor position
mov ah,6 ; Check for key
mov dl,0FFh ; in buffer
int 21h
jnz ansi ; Done if ANSI
@DispStr overwrt ; Overwrite ANSI string
sub ax,ax ; 0 if not ANSI
jmp SHORT gotansi
ansi: mov ax,0C06h ; Clear returned ANSI keys
mov dl,0FFh ; out of buffer
int 21h
@DispStr delete ; Delete ANSI string
mov ax,1 ; Set 1 for true
gotansi: call BinToDec ; Convert to string
VerAnsi ENDP
; Procedure GetDir
; Purpose Get the current directory or drive
; Input None
; Output Current directory or drive in "string"; level or drive number in AX
cmp extend,1 ; Extend flag true?
jne directry ; No? Get directory
@GetDrv ; Yes? Get drive
mov ah,al ; Copy
add ah,'A' ; Convert to drive letter
mov string,ah ; Put character in string
inc actual ; Length 1
directry: mov si,OFFSET string ; Load address for string
mov BYTE PTR [si],"\" ; Insert backslash (DOS doesn't)
inc si ; Point to next
@GetDir si
sub cx,cx ; Count is zero
dec si ; Move pointer back to start
findback: lodsb ; Load
cmp al,"\" ; Is it backslash?
jne notslash ; No? Continue
inc dx ; Yes? Increment level counter
notslash: or al,al ; Is it 0?
loopne findback ; No? Repeat
neg cx ; Negate to get positive count
mov actual,cl ; Put level in variable
xchg ax,dx
; Procedure NoCmd
; Purpose Return error for invalid command
; Input None
; Output None
@DispStr err1 ; Display error and quit
@Exit 0
; Procedure Byticize
; Purpose Adjust word values to fit in a byte
; Input Value in AX
; Output 255 for word values, else value (no extend) or value*10 (extend)
Byticize PROC
cmp extend,0 ; Is extend flag set?
je sizechk ; No? Check size
sub dx,dx ; Yes? Clear DX
mov bx,10 ; Divide by 10 to get 10-unit chunks
div bx
sizechk: or ah,ah ; Is it 255 or less?
je byteOK
mov al,0FFh ; No? Call it 255
byteok: ret
Byticize ENDP
; Procedure GetArg
; Purpose Parse command line for argument and prompt strings
; Input Command line
; Output Pointer to argument in "arg"; length (or 0 if none) in "larg"
; Pointer to prompt in "prompt"; length (or 0 if none) in "lprompt"
push ax
push es ; Swap ES and DS
push ds
pop es
pop ds
white: lodsb ; Load while white space
cmp al,' ' ; Is it space?
je white ; Throw away
cmp al,9 ; Is it tab?
je white ; Throw away
cmp al,'"' ; Is it quote?
je promptit ; Process
cmp al,13 ; Is it carriage return?
je gotarg ; Done
sub cx,cx
qdone: dec si ; Adjust
mov es:arg,si ; Save pointer to argument start
chars: lodsb ; Load while not white
cmp al,' ' ; Is it space?
je nomore ; Done
cmp al,9 ; Is it tab?
je nomore ; Done
cmp al,13 ; Is it carriage return?
loopne chars ; Throw away
nomore: not cx ; Adjust count
mov es:larg,cx ; Save length
jmp SHORT gotarg
promptit: mov di,si ; Save pointer to start
sub cx,cx ; Clear count
inprompt: lodsb ; Another
cmp al,13 ; Is it carriage return?
je oneq ; Yes? Treat one quote like character
cmp al,'"' ; Is it quote?
loopne inprompt ; No? Throw away
mov es:prompt,di ; Save prompt pointer
not cx
mov es:lprompt,cx ; and length
jmp SHORT white ; Get the argument
oneq: mov si,di ; Restore
mov cx,-1 ; Set count to -1
jmp SHORT qdone
gotarg: push es ; Swap ES and DS back
push ds
pop es
pop ds
pop ax
; Procedure ShowPrmpt
; Purpose If prompt, display it
; Input Pointer to prompt
; Output Prompt to screen
ShowPrmpt PROC
cmp prompt,0 ; Is there a prompt?
je noshow ; If not, continue
push ds ; Save and restore DS
@Write prompt,lprompt,,es ; DOS Write function
pop ds
noshow: ret
ShowPrmpt ENDP
; Procedure DoEnviron
; Purpose Convert a string to an environment variable
; Input String in "string"
; Output String in "WHAT" environment variable;
; AX has 0 for success, nonzero for failure
DoEnviron PROC
call GetEnv ; Get environment size, length, address
mov dx,ax ; Save size and length
mov bx,cx
; Find "WHAT="
sub di,di ; Point to start
sub al,al ; Search for zero
mov si, OFFSET what ; Point source at "WHAT="
findwh: repne scasb ; Search
cmp BYTE PTR es:[di],0 ; If double null, end of environment
je gotend
jcxz noroom ; Error if not found
push di ; Save
push cx
mov si,OFFSET what ; Load address and length of "what"
mov cx,lwhat ; for comparison
repe cmpsb ; Compare
mov si,di ; Make copy
pop cx ; Restore
pop di
jnz findwh
; Find end of "WHAT" variable
xchg di,si
repne scasb ; Find end of environment variable
xchg si,di ; Point source to next variable
; Calculate characters left to write
mov cx,bx ; Load total characters
sub cx,si ; Subtract finished to get left
; Move everything back to overwrite "WHAT="
movenv: push ds ; Save DS
mov ax,es ; Copy to ES
mov ds,ax
rep movsb ; Copy
mov BYTE PTR es:[di],0 ; Put null at end in case of error
pop ds ; Restore
; Check environment space
gotend: mov al,actual ; Load length of string
sub ah,ah ; Clear top
add ax,lwhat ; Add length of name
add ax,di ; Add position to get final length
cmp ax,dx ; Is it longer than environment?
jge noroom ; Yes? Quit
; Put WHAT= at end
mov si,OFFSET what ; Load address and length of what
mov cx,lwhat
rep movsb
; Put new string at end
mov si,OFFSET string ; Load address and length of string
mov cl,actual
rep movsb
mov WORD PTR es:[di],0 ; Put double null at end
sub ax,ax ; Return 0 for success
noroom: inc ax ; Return nonzero for fail
DoEnviron ENDP
; Procedure GetEnv
; Purpose Find and measure the environment
; Input None
; Output Segment of environment in ES, size in AX, length in CX
mov dx,es:10h ; Load segment of COMMAND.COM
mov es,dx ; into ES
mov ax,es:2Ch ; Load COMMAND.COM's environment
or ax,ax ; Is it 0?
jnz secondry ; No? This is a secondary command
; and we have its environment in AX
dec dx ; Yes? This is original COMMAND.COM
mov es,dx ; so point ES to paragraph before PSP
add dx,es:03 ; Offset of environment is 3 bytes in
add dx,2 ; Adjust it back to PSP
mov ax,dx ; Put it in AX
; Note:
; CodeView cannot debug the previous section of code, because the PSP
; addresses checked by the code are those passed from DOS to CodeView,
; not addresses passed from DOS to the program. To debug with CodeView,
; find the actual address of the environment:
; S 500:0 L FFFF "COMSPEC="
; When you find the actual address, hard code it into your program:
; mov ax,110Ch ; Debug line
; Comment the line out for final assembly after debugging.
mov si,ax ; Save a copy
sub dx,dx ; Clear DX for multiply
dec ax ; Get paragaraph before environment
mov es,ax ; Load into DS
mov ax,es:03 ; Size in paragraphs is at byte 4
mov cx,16 ; Multiply by 16
mul cx
mov es,si ; Restore environment address
sub di,di ; Point to start
mov cx,ax ; Load maximum count (size of
mov bx,ax ; environment) and save a copy
sub ax,ax ; Search for double null
null2: repne scasb ; Look for null
jz noerr ; If not out of space, continue
sub ax,ax ; else error (return 0)
jmp error2
noerr: cmp BYTE PTR es:[di],0 ; Is it double null?
jne null2 ; No? Look again
mov cx,di ; Yes? Save length in CX
mov ax,bx ; Reload size to AX
; Procedure BinToDec
; Purpose Convert binary number in AX to string
; Input Value in AX
; Output Value string in "string"; length of string in "actual"
; AL contains number to be converted
push ax
push es
sub cx,cx ; Clear counter
mov bx,10 ; Get ready to divide by 10
getdigit: sub dx,dx ; Clear top
div bx ; Remainder is last digit
add dl,'0' ; Convert to ASCII
push dx ; Put on stack
inc cx ; Count character
or ax,ax ; Is quotient 0?
jnz getdigit ; No? Get another
mov actual,cl ; Save number of digits
mov ax,ds ; Load DS to ES
mov es,ax
mov di,OFFSET string ; Load source
putdigit: pop ax ; Get a digit off stack
stosb ; Store it to string
loop putdigit
pop es
pop ax
; Procedure UpCase
; Purpose Convert a character to uppercase
; Input Character in AH
; Output Converted character in AH
cmp ah,"a" ; Is character below lowercase?
jl ok ; If so, continue
; else
cmp ah,"z" ; Is character above lowercase?
jg ok ; If so, continue
; else
sub ah,20h ; Make it lowercase
ok: ret
; Procedure Help
; Purpose Display syntax screens
; Input None
; Output Help to screen
@DispStr help1 ; First screen
@GetKey ; Pause
@DispStr help2 ; Second screen
@Exit 0
END start ; End assembly